As VisNow is a modular platform its functionality can be easily extended with plugins. Each plugin, being a set of modules, appears as an additional library in the main library panel. All modules from the whole library – internal and plugins – can be used in a single processing pipeline.

Plugins are special packages containing VisNow modules and a library file with library tree definition. Additionally, plugins can contain new data types as modules can communicate with any custom data. Plugins can be dynamically read into VisNow on runtime.

Writing your own plugin using VisNow templates is the fastest way of bringing new functionality into VisNow. Not only you can integrate your own custom code, but also you can use VisNow’s data types and built-in functionalities like automatic visualization (Read-And-Watch policy).

How to implement your own plugin? You can start with a module template that can be found in our gitlab repository. However, the fastest way is to download sources of an existing plugin and modify an existing module to your needs.

Currently, several plugins are supported and developed by community or our supporting partners.

BioFormats Reader

BioFormats Reader is a plugin providing BioFormats Reader module that enables to read into VisNow data formats supported by the BioFormats library (developed by the Open Microscopy Environment consortium). It is not included into VisNow release by default due to licensing limitations. You can find a full list of the supported data formats here.

Plugin supported and developed by
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ImageJ plugin provides a wrapper module for VisNow to ImageJ platform. You can process VisNow fields with ImageJ directly inside VisNow.

Plugin supported and developed by
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Objects Counter

Objects Counter plugin provides a set of modules for counting and and shape analysis of BLOBS in 2D or 3D images (represented as regular fields in VisNow).

Plugin supported and developed by
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